News Roundup: Mauna Kea Resistance, Prairie Dog Protection, and War Games

10405428_1537770033153818_4901740077770842271_nDefending Wildlife in Colorado

The DGR Southwest Coalition recently held their annual Southwest Gathering, sharing skills & good food, and engaging in many discussions & strategy sessions. As part of the gathering, Deanna Meyer of Deep Green Resistance Colorado joined Brian Ertz of Wildlands Defense to discuss their recent campaign against a Castle Rock mega-mall development. We’ve reported here a little bit on the struggle, and are excited to share this video of Meyer and Ertz describing the campaign in more detail.

Protecting Sacred Land in Hawaii

o-MAUNA-KEA-PROTEST-facebookDGR member Will Falk spent 5 weeks on Mauna Kea recently, supporting the blockade and documenting the story of the resistance. His latest article explains how protesters used boulders and stones to block construction crews on June 24th.

Why the Mountain is a forthcoming documentary by Anne Keala Kelly, a native Hawaiian filmmaker and DGR supporter. The film is is production right now and Keala could use as much support as possible to bring a radical analysis to the community. We urge all of our readers and supporters to check out the sneak previews of the film and donate to support it!

Massive Wargames Threaten Alaskan Wildlife

Dahr Jamail is an award winning journalist and author who is a full-time staff reporter for His work is currently focusing on Anthropogenic Climate Disruption. In this interview, Jamail and Derrick Jensen discuss the harm caused by massive military maneuvers off of Alaska.

Rural Nevada Water Grab Threatens Environment, Tribes, and Rural Life

In this interview, Max Wilbert and Derrick Jensen discuss a plan led by Las Vegas developers and bureaucrats to steal water from important and beautiful rural areas. Wilbert grew up in Seattle and spent a great deal of his childhood on the Olympic Coast, on Makah land. Now in his late 20’s, he works with an organization called Deep Green Resistance to promote strategic eco-sabotage and work to protect the land. He also serves on the Board of Directors of a grassroots non-profit called Fertile Ground Environmental Institute.

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