Horizontal Hostility Conference

DGR members Stella and Jose, who live on the Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa, have created a virtual conference to address to the topic of horizontal hostility. The conference materials are available in:

  • English
  • Español

To describe the conference, in their words:

This online Conference about Horizontal Hostility is designed as a study group for understanding and sharing how HH operates so effectively as the greatest obstacle in re-designing the oppressive systems which are currently threatening Life on Earth, dividing & wasting the energies of the activist population that is working for change.

Diagram of how horizontal hostility splits prevents activists from engaging power effectively

Several Deep Green Resistance members, along with other activists, participated in the conversations that Stella and Jose put together for this conference. The discussions are very interesting and may contribute to your understanding of how activism works, common dysfunctions in activist cultures, and common communication issues and unspoken power structures that are important to understand.



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