This article is by Deep Green Resistance member William Falk of San Diego. Leaving Unist’ot’en Camp was hard. As I stepped away from a group of new friends passing pens and notebooks around to share contact information, I found myself on the banks of the Morice River under the pines. Looking up to see their […]
Categories Archives: Culture of Resistance »
25% of Superfund sites located in ‘Indian country’
Of a total of 1,322 Superfund sites as of June 5, 2014, nearly 25 percent of them are in Indian country. Manufacturing, mining and extractive industries are responsible for our list of some of the most environmentally devastated places in Indian country, as specified under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the […]
Surprise! Inequality began with civilization.
From Science Magazine, one of the most prestigious academic journals in the world: Seek the richest family in a traditional camp of the Ju/’hoansi/!Kung people of the Kalahari Desert in Africa, and you will almost surely fail. There is no such thing. These hunter-gatherers traditionally moved periodically and had few possessions. What they had, they […]
Colorado River reaches ocean for first time in 16 years
Is shit about to get real at BC’s pipeline blockade? Maybe. Here’s how we’ll know.
From Zoe Blunt: Disclaimer: I don’t speak for Unis’tot’en Camp. This analysis comes from first-hand reports, anonymous tips, and public sources. The situation could change at any time. Updates are posted at the Caravan page,, and the Unis’tot’en Camp page, Unis’tot’en Camp, the indigenous pipeline blockade on Wet’suwet’en territory in Northern […]
RSVP now for Sacred Water Tour!
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To keep up on the latest news from Deep Green Resistance, follow the organization on social media: Facebook Twitter Youtube Website
Support Deep Green Resistance
YOUR CHANCE TO SUPPORT DGR: Every resistance movement needs two things to be successful: loyalty and material support. You can provide that material support – food, shelter, transportation. Every donation goes directly to funding the resistance. DGR’s work is 100% volunteer (and you can join us). We are at 20% of our funding goal – […]
“Sacred Water Tour” Opposes the SNWA Groundwater Project
Ely, Nev. – A camping tour of the region that will be affected by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) groundwater development project is taking place over memorial day weekend – and you’re invited. The trip, which will take place from May 24th to 26th, will begin at the north end of the water grab […]
Report-back: DGR Tour of the Philippines
Earlier this year, DGR member Kim Hill of Australia traveled to the Philippines. DGR’s presence was requested by community organizers from an anarchist collective called the Mobile Anarchist School. Here is her report back: ‘NO TO MINING.’ Signs bearing these words are common on Marinduque. The signs are nailed to trees, on fences and […]