Categories Archives: The Problem: Civilization »
U.S. Navy Land Grab for Bombing in Nevada
Friday the U.S. Navy released details of a plan to seize more than 600,000 acres of public land in central Nevada to expand a bombing range. The land under threat includes rich habitat for mule deer, important desert springs and nesting sites for raptors like golden eagles. If approved by Congress, the 1,536-page plan would […]
STOP THE MADNESS: Major Wind Energy Generation Facility Proposed for Nevada Wildland

Editors note: Wind energy is destroying the planet just like fossil fuels. So-called “renewable energy” development threatens a massive amount of land globally in the coming years. We will fight all activities that destroy the land, even when greenwashing propaganda tells us these projects are “sustainable.” We know bullshit when we see it. Capitalists own […]
Racists Plow Truck into Crowd of Indigenous Protestors in Reno | Biomass is NOT sustainable!

This story from the phenomenal journalist Brenda Norrell of Censored News. RENO (Monday, October 9th) — Five people were injured when a white pickup truck plowed into Native American rights activists, protesting Columbus Day and speaking out for the defense of the water at Standing Rock. During the Abolish KKKolumbus Day March on Monday, at […]
Burns Paiute Make First Visit After Armed Takeover of Malheur Refuge
By Jacqueline Keeler / Indian Country Today Media Network On Monday, February 29, nearly two months after armed militants took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the Burns Paiute Tribe was finally allowed to visit it. The refuge is their ancient wintering grounds and filled with culturally-sensitive sites and even burial grounds of their ancestors. On Thursday, 14 […]
Deanna Meyer on Her Campaign to Protect Prairie Dogs in Colorado

Deanna Meyer is a long time activist with Deep Green Resistance and an organic farmer currently residing in Colorado. She graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with degrees in Anthropology, English and went on to acquire a teaching certificate. Recently she has been involved in advocating for the forests in her area as well […]
21st Century Manifest Destiny on the U.S.-Mexico Border
It was a typical scene for many on the Tohono O’odham Nation: a Border Patrol agent pulled behind us in a green-striped vehicle after we had stopped to check directions. We were a group of five people in two cars. We had no idea what they wanted. Documentary filmmaker Adam Markle was going to interview […]
Max Wilbert on Resistance Radio: SNWA water grab

Max Wilbert, a long-time activist with Deep Green Resistance, has been working alongside indigenous peoples and other residents of eastern-central Nevada for the past few years as part of an effort to stop the theft of the land’s water. The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) wants to build a giant pipe to take water from […]
News Roundup: The Girls and the Grasses, The Colonial History of Conservation, The New McCarthyism, and more

Lierre Keith, Deep Green Resistance co-founder, recently wrote one of the most powerful articles that we have read in a long, long time. Her piece, titled The Girls and the Grasses, is like poetry. We invite you to read it here: Link: — Stephen Corry, the director of Survival International writes about the colonial […]
Science vs. the Real World on Mauna Kea
Will Falk is a Deep Green Resistance member who has spent much of the past year assisting indigenous resistance movements at the Unist’ot’en Camp and, more recently, on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. In this article, he speaks to the dangerous powers that come from the science of the dominant culture (civilization). Many view the debate […]