Unist’ot’en Camp, January 2015 The storm enveloped us. Snow lashed the road. The darkness was total, our headlights casting weak yellow beams into the darkness. Most people had hunkered down in homes and motels, and the roads were near empty. Still, every few minutes a passing truck threw a blinding cloud of dry snow into […]
Categories Archives: The Problem: Civilization » Human Supremacy » Mining & Drilling »
News from the Great Basin
“Protecting Sage Grouse in the Great Basin” “…Restoring native plants and biodiversity in the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem of the Great Basin, where a massive invasion of non-native grasses, particularly cheatgrass, has turned millions of acres into a fire-prone monoculture. As Climate Progress has reported, finding innovative ways to beat back the cheatgrass invasion and restore sagebrush […]
Update on Utah Tar Sands Project
Work on the Utah Tar Sands project continues. The following is excerpted from Oilvoice. “During the third quarter of 2014, the Company’s project team continued to work with its engineering consultants and equipment suppliers to complete final engineering design and procure equipment for the PR Spring Project. For the remainder of 2014, the Company will […]
The False Solutions of Green Energy
Two passionate environmentalists discuss the merits and issues of “Alternative Energy” technologies. They argue that it is not the path to a secure and sustainable future, that it threatens human rights, and that it is the wrong path for morally-conscious environmentalists. Topics discussed include the alternative energy industry, community-scale implementation, environmental complications of alternative technologies, […]
Report Back: Sacred Water Tour 2014
From the Deep Green Resistance Southwest Coalition, a report-back from the 2014 Sacred Water Tour: By Max Wilbert, Susan Hyatt, Katie Wilson, and Michael Carter, Deep Green Resistance Southwest Coalition In late May 2014, members of Deep Green Resistance (DGR), Great Basin Water Network, the Ely-Shoshone Indian tribe, and others toured the valleys of […]
“We are under siege” – a discussion on oil & gas drilling in the West
25% of Superfund sites located in ‘Indian country’
Of a total of 1,322 Superfund sites as of June 5, 2014, nearly 25 percent of them are in Indian country. Manufacturing, mining and extractive industries are responsible for our list of some of the most environmentally devastated places in Indian country, as specified under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the […]
Dead Babies and Utah’s Carbon Bomb
A sudden and extreme spike in neonatal mortality in Utah’s rural Uinta Basin is most probably related to the toxic air pollution related to the fossil fuel drilling/fracking frenzy in Eastern Utah. And the local poobahs want to kill the messenger. Donna Young is a midwife in Vernal, Utah, with 20 years experience managing home […]
Report-back: DGR Tour of the Philippines
Earlier this year, DGR member Kim Hill of Australia traveled to the Philippines. DGR’s presence was requested by community organizers from an anarchist collective called the Mobile Anarchist School. Here is her report back: ‘NO TO MINING.’ Signs bearing these words are common on Marinduque. The signs are nailed to trees, on fences and […]