“A black tern weighs barely two ounces. On bodily reserves less than a bag of M&Ms and wings that stretch to cover twelve inches, she’ll fly thousands of miles, searching for the wetlands that will harbor her young. And every year the journey gets longer as the wetlands are desiccated for human demands.” Read […]
Categories Archives: The Solution: Resistance »
DGR article in ‘The Ecologist’
The Deep Green Resistance chapter in the UK has just published a new piece in the journal The Ecologist. The article goes over the basics of the DGR strategy, discusses why movements to save the planet have largely failed thus far, and offers an alternative vision – a way to win. Learn more and […]
Blow All the Dams
“Hatcheries not only failed to boost the number of fish but also actually harmed the salmon by mining billions of eggs from wild populations. The fish hatcheries were designed to collect and incubate the maximum number of eggs with the greatest efficiency. In many cases, that meant all the eggs in the entire salmon run […]
Resistance forces in Philippines storm mining company, torch heavy equipment | Deep Green Resistance News Service
New People’s Army rebels on Saturday raided a mining firm in the southern Philippine province of Agusan del Norte, reports said. Reports said the rebels swooped down on Philippine Alstron Mining Company on the village of Tamamarkay in Tubay town and overpowered the security guards without firing a single shot before they torched several trucks […]
Call for Volunteers – Support the Unist’ot’en Camp
via Vancouver Island Community Forest Action Network: People all over Turtle Island are answering the call to stop the pipelines and support indigenous resistance. The camp needs strong-hearted volunteers to watch over the forest and patrol the area this winter. Please come to the camp and bring your good energy. Defend the land and water. […]
Demand Crash! — A response to Holmgren’s “Crash on Demand”
By Norris Thomlinson. Originally published at Farmer Scrub’s Blog. The situation in many third world countries could actually improve because of the global economic collapse. First world countries would no longer enforce crushing debt repayment and structural adjustment programs, nor would CIA goons be able to prop up “friendly” dictatorships. The decline of export-based economies […]
Press Release: Lierre Keith To Give Keynote Speech at PIELC | Deep Green Resistance News Service
Lierre Keith has been selected to give the keynote speech at this years Public Interest Environmental Law Conference. The annual meeting will be held February 27th – March 2nd in Eugene, Oregon and features over 125 panels, workshops and multimedia presentations addressing a broad spectrum of environmental law and advocacy. The keynote speech also highlights […]
Sawhoyamaxa organizing to reclaim territory in Paraguay, stolen 20 years ago by cattle ranchers | Deep Green Resistance News Service
The Sawhoyamaxa indigenous community in Paraguay have spent over 20 years fighting to get back their land, which they were pushed off by cattle ranchers. They started the new year by collecting signatures to press Congress to pass a bill that would expropriate their ancestral territory from ranchers, in order for the state to comply […]
Upcoming short film about DGR
We are excited to share a new short film that introduces some of the voices and faces of Deep Green Resistance, the book and the movement. This is part of a series of several soon-to-be-released shorts that present the DGR analysis and strategy. If you enjoy it, please “Like” and share widely to encourage the […]
Showdown at highway 134 on Vimeo
The warriors of the Mi’kmaq nation are fighting like hell to stop fracking. WATCH THIS VIDEO now and support these courageous warriors. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE! NO FRACKING! DECOLONIZE NOW!